Restoring 1948 MG TC 5316 

I purchased MG TC 5316 from the estate of its original California owner in 2012. The restoration process proceeded intermittently and is slated for completion in Spring 2021.

February 2012

Background Information 

Consigned by Blackhawk Collection

March 2012

Delivered to Virginia by Intercity Line

Streets to house too narrow for rig.

March 2012

It's an East Coast Car Now!

Even the Driver's Wife Pushed

22 Jan 2084

Aliquam sed magna risus

Praesent pharetra blandit ex sed imperdiet

21 Jan 2084

Lorem ipsum dolor sit

Vestibulum faucibus lacus ac risus efficitur

20 Jan 2084

Praesent eget lectus mauris

Morbi placerat pellentesque tortor, sed auctor dolor

15 Jan 2084

Donec nec metus non

Phasellus eu sapien sagittis, sodales neque ac

14 Jan 2084

Vestibulum faucibus lacus

In aliquet et tellus in iaculis. Ut fermentum quis tellus

13 Jan 2084

Pellentesque habitant morbi

Fusce ullamcorper diam vel arcu scelerisque